
Again, and again, and again

It happens quickly and slowly at the same time,
it's a torrid and beautiful affair, that transcends all logical and scientific explanation. 

You were there. 
in your splendid disastrous glory,
for a faction of a second,

You were there. 

and my heart skipped a beat,
jumping, tilting of the axis
 like a sailor going overboard-

called, coaxed, entranced by the siren of the sea.

You are the siren of-

(Would saying 'my sea' be cheesy and totally uncalled for?)

You are the siren of the sea.

(There, that gives you an omnipotent mysterious air, that you had always strived for, no?)

but you're gone. and it doesn't make sense.
that even just the hint, even a very misplaced
and misguided hint,

Years, and years, and years,

sends my head into a spiral mess of emotions, 
my heart into a disarray of mis-tempo-ed beats, 

cause you're gone.

but i'm still in love with you.

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