
To be remembered.

"Because life is boring"

The words raspy in the cold night air, echoes as it bounces of the walls of the room. Voicing reason, showing logic, for the adolescent teen. Standing in the corner, leaning onto the wall just like he always was.

"No it's not.

Each day, is an adventure. No matter how small or uneventful, each choice we make and each thought we ponder on, changes our future. Each and every of our action paths a way through, and each of our words slashes through the wild. An adventure doesn't mean having adrenalin soaring through your body, your heart beating at the speed of light. An adventure is a journey, a journey which brings you to another place, another destination.

So in a way, each day you live, is each day you're closer to another place.Get it?"

The girl's voice: strong and turgid. Ringing in the cracks in the ceiling and walls.

"Done with the sermon?"

A smug face appearing on his gaunt features. Teasing the girl for her speech.

"Call it as you may, but you shouldn't do this. You know you shouldn't."

Voicing her opinion, reprimanding the boy for his lack of insight.

"I've had enough of this so called journey,I always end up being in the same place. Life sucks. Life is unfair."

Assured words of the boy, resignation flowing through.Hands steady and ready.

"Life is fair through it's unfairness"

Yet she remains adamant, persisting against, what he was going to do. Stubbornly attempting to stop him.

" Tell that to those who suffer, who have mothers who blame them, who become frustration outlets, whose life are so deranged that they feel like they're floating through life, with no purpose. Tell them. Life is FAIR. That it's fair for them to go through crap everyday, it's fair that they face against dangers constantly. "

Anger resounded in his voice, frustration leaking out. Hurt seen pass through the visor. Slowly he pointed it to his head. It's nearly time.

"Ethan, don't do this. Please. I'm begging you, Don't."

Her tone was desperate.

Ethan looked at her, his English partner, a nobody.
Cynthia Kent. No one to him.

But as she stood in the doorway, affixed and firm. Looking at him with determination, he couldn't help feel happy. His hands are steady, fingers are ready.

Atleast someone'll witness it and remember.

Smiling, Ethan Mayne pulled the trigger of the colt 45.

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