
New Layout.

New year's coming closer, so why not change the Blog Layout for sore eyes, eh? HAHAHA

So. well. Changed the layout. OBVIOUSLY.

I've also made changes to my playlist, cause my taste has changed too.

I'm also gonna be giving this blog more of a visual sense to it, soon.
Just wait and You'll see. ;)

Been thinking of making this blog private, but then I have readers who don't have a blogger account.. so MAYBE. Don't go rioting on my c-box. *glares at the mentioned*

Kalau terasa jgn marah ye? hehehe

Yes, I speak Malay and I still prefer English. But maybe I'll post a few posts in BM, just for fun.

Heh. guess my blog's gonna be a lil' different.
It's gonna change.

Guess I've changed too.


Movie Review on AVATAR 2009

Okay, last night I watched AVATAR.

I'm giving it 3/5 stars for performance, but 5/5 stars for visual effects.

Yes, the Storyline kinda rminds me of Disney's Pocahontas and I kinda feel the dialogue needed working on.


Pandora's forests, the lighting, the skys, the eyowa tree.. were... Wow. And don't get me started on the creatures; the insanely awesome animals.... they were just soo.. Gosh. I can't even find the words to say what I think of them except.. they wow-ed me.

So Verdict? Worth the $8 ticket, just to see the graphics.

Heh. :)


Nothing to say soo..I'll ramble.

I apologize for the long absent period, where I haven't updated much. Well, the reason is..

The reason is...

I don't know.

Like seriously.

I have no idea what to write anymore. It's like, I have nothing to say.

Everytime I think of something to say, the blank page just stares at me and I mirror it; I blank out. So I turn to my dvd collection and downloaded episodes of Gossip Girl.

So, I've been getting myself acquainted with Gossip Girl. It's a good series, a bit on the edge, but still good. To say I've got my hooked, would be a bit... of... an understatement. :P

Picture this, Qeelah wearing HEADPHONES that make her look like a doppelganger of Mickey Mouse staring at the computer screen: totally absorbed by the video she's watching. Now think of her actually laughing her ass off, slapping her thighs and on the verge of rolling on the floor all the while receiving wierded out looks by her brothers. Next you should try to imagine her talking to the characters on the screen, shouting to the people acting in the video and even sniffing at the sweet scenes.

Yes, that's how far I've been during the holidays. Everytime I have break or have to rest, I crack open my Gossip Girl Collection. I mean, what's not to like about the series?

Well, other than the explicit scenes (which aren't so explicit you know? Cause I've seen SKINS which is a British Tv Show; WAY MORE STUFF going on, if you catch my drift), Gossip Girl has a good cast, very amusingly dramatic yet twisted storylines, REALLY good actors and a very nice script that's laced by wit and is at times... dare I say it...filled with good vocab. There I said it. My english side has taken me in and over.

Heh. At least next time, if they pass out the reading pamphlet, I'll write the source as Gossip Girl. I don't care. It's the truth. Like seriously, when was the last time a Tv Show used the word 'incarcerated'? In the right context too.

Anyways, I should wrap this up. I'm currently on my 'break time' where I should be resting my weary muscles, but what the heck? why not play around with the thoughts in my head? HAHAHA

you know I'm kidding when I type this but...


anak ketinggalan bas.


too much Gossip Girl. :x I know.


Twittle dum, Twittle dee. After a cup of coke, here my say.

Yea, I just drank coke. And yes, It feels good.


These past few days have been very eventful. Lots of things sprouting and exploding right and left. It's been a while since I've talked to my blog, so here goes:


I have no idea what to say.
Like seriously.

My life carries on?

Heh. No. Too emo for a post.

Speaking of which I should really post up my stories.

Hmm.. Nah. Malas ku ingau. hahaha



Tomorrow's Hari Raya Aidiladha.

To be honest, I don't really care what kind of raya it is, it's still Hari Raya and that means food. Real good food. Like.. Ayam Kurma, Nasi Kebuli, Kambing, Ketupat, Satay, Kuah Satay, Kelupis, and oh yea. AYAM KURMA.


Gosh. Here comes the chicken. HAHA like seriously. It's being cooked while I type. Hmm. smells gooooooooooooooodd.. Can't wait to eat it. Hmm..

Can you imagine the taste of the ripe meat, as the soothing liquid roll around your tongue, languidly massage the inside of your mouth? Can you actually smell the teasing waft enter your nostrils playing around with your mind?

Well, I do. Can't wait to eat it.

Heh. Another reason to live.


A midnight rendezvous with rain.

It's raining.

The chill wind seems to surround you and the trees right next to you seem to whisper and ruffle with movement. The silence of the street reaches your ear, and it echoes.You're worried for a moment, just a moment; you shrug it off.

It always happen anyways.

The drizzle continues.

You smile as you feel the pitter patter of droplets on the hood of your jacket. You've always had a soft spot for rain. Rain had always been, a comfort of sorts to you. You feel a twitch in your memorial lobe as you hear someone's voice said in a whisper of memory stating that most of your writing involved and evolved from the tiny water droplets falling from above.

You make a wiry smile. You've been in a middle of nostalgia and melancholy for a long time now, torn about all that was happening. Everything was spiralling, like a merry go round except faster than the it's speedlimit.

The rain's falling more insistently now, yet you remain at the same pace. For now.

You stare at your shoes, your poor poor shoes; you really should contemplate on buying new ones. Most of your stuff were worn out these days. Your forehead wrinkles as you ponder on the possibility that your constant walking on roads instead of pavements had contributed to that. Of course, you couldn't have done anything differently; darn country didn't have much pavement at all.

You grin as a memory washes through you, just like the rain was.


You feel it.

Right then and there, you feel inspiration. The old companion that had long forsaken you for a small vacation has finally returned and you embrace them, you embrace them and you feel a little more alive than you've felt for a while, a little less useless. You can practically hear the verbs to describe the moment, the momentum to write a new spin off to one of your hanging stories that remain on a hard drive; never read by others except for your weary eyes.

You can feel your pace picking up as your brain's more lingual side shifted into gear. You need to type this out, and soon.

Perhaps you'll un-ignore that responsibility of owning a blog, and actually update a story or something. Tonight. It has to be...

Well, it's past midnight, you think, so you re-iterate back your words.

Withink 2 hours, your blog, your forsaken blog will breathe back into the web with an update.

2 hours.

You smirk as you finally, reach your destination; home. You rush in, barely able to enter the key; so eager were you to concoct something, anything.

It's been a while.

But woes you, as you sit infront of the white screen your mind can't make up what to write. You shake your head in disdain and dissapointment.

You look out the window : it's raining.

You smile.

You type the first few words into the empty box:

It's raining.


The Deception of Truth Chapter 7

Disclaimer: I'm so tired of typing this out but here goes: My story, My chracters, My plot. No taking. Capiche?

Chapter 7

Laughter rang through the kitchen, following the statement.

“Fine… I just need to find the pasta…” Bobby said while smiling at the blatant catch-phrase of her friend.

Sherry pointed out, at the urging of her impatient growling stomach, the obvious:

“You know, we could just order take out.”

Bobby could practically feel a sweat drop perspire against her forehead and mentally thwacked herself.

Smirking at her comrades, Sherry Lynn took out her cellular phone that was always in her pocket, and coursed through her contact list while reading the ption aloud.

“So… Italian? Japanese? Chinese? Mexican?”

“Italian.” Said the synchronized voices of Kaylee and Bobby, both already salivating at the thought of lasagna and spaghetti.

“Should we ask Prudence too?” Sherry asked, a concerned tone heard between her words and spaces.

Both Kaylee and Bobby ignored the question.

Sherry understood the unspoken decision and knew she couldn’t do anything to change her friend’s choice. Sighing to herself, she dialed the restaurant and ordered a rather large dinner, consisting of spaghetti, pasta and lasagna.

“Speaking of the she-devil, where is she?” Kaylee pounced on Bobby as Sherry patiently repeated the order to the nasal teen on the other line, who sounded like he couldn’t give a yarn’s darn on her order.


Leaves of rich colour fell from heaven, as a strong fist of wind pummeled into a red shadow. The leaves pinned themselves against the figure and soil from soft sand wafted the surrounding, creating a mist around the silhouette.

High-heels worn by the figure, echoed on the pavement, making ants and worms under it squeal in fear of being stomped by the pressure exerted over such a small area.

The shadow, briskly strutted into the dark night, with her hand to her ear; pressing a cellular object to her ear canal. A muffled voice could be heard from the phone, but not identified. It’s distinct masculine pitch could be heard, of a baritone note, and also in the stern grunts that answered.

In return, the shadow released sound waves of it’s own into the mouth piece of the object. Shimmering light from the street light danced upon the surface of the curve where it settled in. A sharp nose above and carefully curled eyelashes adorned the small face, and startling green pierced the jaded face.

From a glance, it would seem a normal picture: a teenage girl receiving a call with a very eager voice, hanging on each word from the other end as if her whole world demanded on it.

Watching Prudence Bliche snap her phone shut at the abrupt dismissal by the caller, no one would’ve guessed the truth:

It did.


Happy Birthday...


Yeah. I haven't updated for a while. A long while. I have no good reason why I haven't. Just because.


It was a hot Monday night, hiding under the table with her small unknown sketch pad, she feels like she's in a heater. The heat's getting to her as she tries to draw a potrait of a person; making each mistake exagerated and soon she's nearly torn her sketch pad into half with frustration.

Cluttered attempts surround her and soon she's ready to explode; she's never been well known for her patience with herself. Crawling out of her hiding place, that she really is getting to long for, she's muttering to herself about the idiocy of her hand.

She's in the living room. Alone.

She knows she should go to the Tv room where the rest of her immediate family was; loitering and talking. Yet she felt a need to be alone.

So she remained.

She decides to sit on the long couch, relaxing her muscles after a tiring day at school. She hears loud voices, ringing pass through the thin glass sliding door seperating her from her family. Just like anyother day in her grandmother's house it's rowdy, noisy and nearly impossible for peace and quiet, something she craved.

Hours pass by and she gets thirsty. Dragging her legs to the kitchen to get a glass of water, she passes a scene that happened every other time. Seeing him sitting there, with a cigarette dangling between his fingers, she marches off to him and sits by sipping in the plain water.

The water trickles down her gullet as smoke travels his trachea.

Scathingly, she says smoking is bad for health. That it could lead to death.

He nods knowingly and takes a puff anyway while rubbing his stubble.

Frustrated by being ignored for what felt the hundredth time, she frowns and is ready to get up. It's always like this.He smokes, she reprimands, he shrugs it off. Always been, always is, always will.

Until he spoke.

He says the three words that she seldom hears, and though they were short and gruff, they were a shock. She's shaken and eyeing him wierdly, and instead of answering back she just nods and walks away.

"I love you."

She'd never know, she'd come to regret that for the rest of her life.

The next thing she knows it's thursday night, she's in a speeding vehicle and she doesn't care.
The next thing she knows she's clutching her cousin to stop him from screaming.
The next thing she knows she's desperately pulling on her mask.
The next thing she knows she's holding in tears.
The next thing she knows her heart's broken.

But most of all
The next thing she knows, she regrets not saying "I love you" back to her uncle.


Malay Orals.

Entering through the automatic sliding door, cold air tighlty grips your lungs.

It claws your insides out; feeding the dreadful monster you just had locked in. The monster awakens and it purrs in contempt as you make your way to the designated seating area. It crawls inside your abdomen demanding your attention and distracting you from reading the given text.

You know you should ignore it, or perhaps lock it in further.

You're now grasping the yellow card tightly.

You doubt it really shows, but the monster is now on the loose. Inside you, the monster snarls and prowls through your veins; pushing your heart, your poor tired heart, to press itself further outwards into the cage of your ribs.

You've read the text twice and in that time given you know you could've read more, if only that monster had remained in its slumber. If only you had enough sense or courage to lock the monster in a more stronger prison; an impenetrable fortress in the middle of a maze filled with dangerous conquests where not only the chance of entrance was abysmal but the chance of escape was impossible.

If only.

You hear a shuffle, and you know it's your turn soon. So soon.

It's too soon.

Your overworked heart is on overdrive as the monster places a single long-nailed finger onto on of your arteries; you fear that the arteries would cut open and you, you would slowly bleed to death.


You could practically see red lights flashing and a siren blaring through the usually quiet abode as you place your bum squarely onto the chair.

Eyes searching for a distraction from the monster's whining, you re-read the rules and regulations pasted right infront of you. After nearly memorising them you can't help, but roll you eyes. Nobody was stupid to do that in a public place.

No one ; everybody knew the consequences. Even you did.

Thinking on the subject, another's words fill your ears.

"Relax. You'll do fine."

You can't help it; you scoff. It was easy for her to say that, she already went through it. She was probably at home. You were here. You were the finale, the person who'll suffer for being the last as they who were to judge would've heard so many answers similar to the ones your primitive mind will feebly concoct.

Diverting yourself from the troublesome thoughts that so easily plagued your now fragile mind, you hear the footsteps of one that you've known for a while. Looking up, you ask with you widen your eyes and your eyebrows rise above the status quo.

She squeezed her brown eyes, the big brown eyes that you (unfortunately) had a soft spot for, in a disgruntled way, but you see a glimmer of joy dancing in her irises and a pulsating pupil that was practically grinning.

"All the best."

Her words linger, as you yourself go to where she had been just moments ago.

Your heart is practically in your throat; you fear that you might haemorrhage right infront of the two women.


They're still talking. About food.

Two. Three.



That was your stomach being squeezed by the monster.


You think your heat just might stop from exhaustion.


You take a seat.

You hear the woman on your left speak in a language that even after all these years of studying it, even if it was your supposedly 'mother language', you find alien.

In a split second, just like a flash, you hear what was said just an hour ago; as if you were watching a movie.

Smiling, you take a deep breath and read the text.

With each word,the monster slowly dissipates; curling into itself.

With each word, you find yourself drawing in something you didn't know you had.

With each word, you grow more confident; answering with more ease than you had thought possible.

With each word, you thank god, for the fact that you had actually listened to her.

At the end of the day, Malay orals had been better than you had dare thought.


A long marathon....

of movies!

Imagine this, it's you and your siblings lying on the couch, drinks in hand, and the lights are off. The speakers right next to you, and KAPOOWWW..

Gotta say this,

Transformers 2 was awesome.

It was funny, and gut wrenchingly AWESOME.

Which reminds me, I need to lend my dvd to Sherly. A.S.A.P.

The horror of waiting to watch that movie while suffering through your mocks, I tell you!!

Anyhow, what's next on my list of must watch movies?


Can I hear a 'what, what?'

You dunno what it is? What G.I. Joe is?

Well then, you my friend, have lived a very content ignorant life without the likes of male figures obsessing about old folk-lore, the military nature of life, and of course the gory interception between the love for one's country and bombing an opposing nation.

Or in other words, you didn't have a father like mine.

True, I have like, 7 men who I call dad, but what the heck, right?

They all are important to me.

Anyhow back to the point, what is G.I. Joe?

Well, G.I. Joe was actually an action figure, that turned into comics, then tv. cartoons and eventually movies.

Yes, it is an action-packed movie, and probably will include a lot of technology crap in it.
But hey, that's my type of movie.

and oh.. yea.

I'm having a wee bit of a writer's block on my story.' the deception of truth'.

so.. suggestions?


The Deception of Truth Chapter 6

Chapter 6

The occupants of the kitchen all jumped to their feet, immediately taking defensive stances; a reflex they had gained after 6 years of training.

“What are you doing here?” snarled Kaylee at the new-comer, who was in the middle of the kitchen archway, smugly standing superior-like, Kaylee’s feet still in place, strategically ready to kick the chair towards the intruder.

“I guess, you didn’t read the cards properly. It did say I would come today.” Replied the stranger, as she flipped her hair and stared at the three girls of still in their defensive stances; ready to strike.

Sherry Lynn nearest to the new-comer had her fist raised as if in a sparring match, ready to strike her opponent down with her well known knock out knuckle uppercut. Bobby on the other hand, had grasped the nearest objects near her, wielding the spatula and knife expertly, already in place and aiming to the stranger who had intruded their home in less than two seconds.

Nobody moved.

Onyx eyes glared at the high-heeled dwarf stalked her way into the kitchen, settling into a chair uninvitingly. Kaylee Crawford felt like a bull, ready to pierce her horns into the re-jacket the woman wore.

As if sensing the hostility in the air, Sherry Lynn came to the rescue.

“So, Prudence care to take a seat?”

Sherry Lynn mentally slapped her head. Prudence smugly smirked at her from her seat, and spoke.

“You may seat down, if you please,”

At this Sherry Lynn tightly smiled at the guest, and sat her bottom onto the wooden chair gracefully. She then signaled to Kaylee to sit down, but Kaylee ignored her.

“I’d like some earl tea.”

:Prudence Bliche ordered to Bobby, who was staring at her with an intense warmth that could not be mistaken for welcome. Gladly, Bobby turned her back from the table, and made a show of looking for the teapot.

“I’ll help you.”

Kaylee offered her friend; seeing an opportunity to do something with her hands other than fighting the urge to strangle. Sending an apologetic look to Sherry Lynn, who was looking a bit hurt by Kaylee’s abandonment, Kaylee bustled off to the far-side of the kitchen where she could keep herself (and her temper) in check.

After finding the hiding teapot and setting the appropriate ware for high-tea, Bobby made a show of looking for biscuits for them to gnaw on while Kaylee waited for the hot water to simmer enough to be poured.

“ Wanna put in some vinegar into her tea?” whispered Bobby into Kaylee’s ear, making Kaylee guffaw and spill hot water over her hand.

Stiffling a whimper, Kaylee felt an ever-growing urge to annihilate the source of a voice that chose that exact moment to make it’s present heard.

“I see, Crawford’s still an incompetent klutz.”

Biting down a vulgar retort, Kaylee immediately went to the sink to run cool water on her hand and her anger. The water from the tap softly massaged away, the stinging feel puncturing her skin, and Kaylee regretfully tooke her hand away from the comforting sink to take her place at the table, thankfully the furthest from Prudence Biche.

There, the usually loud trio sat in silence staring at their cups, as Prudence sipped her tea. The silence was the least not comforting, and the tension in the air could be cut swiftly by the bluntest spoon.

“Uhm, we hope you enjoy your stay.” Offered Sherry, trying to reduce the friction of air particles with a splash of hospitality.

Prudence opted to ignore the statement and made the gesture of cleaning her black skirt. Seeing this made both Kaylee and Bobby seeth in anger.

“Speaking of which, how long do we have to endure your-“ Kaylee jumped in, sweetly covering her words with a mocking tone whilst a smirk hooked it’s way through her face, before ending the question.

Sherry Lynn warily looked at Kaylee reproachfully.

“-graceful companionship? ”

“For as long as I deem it probable for me to clean out a few loose ends and rectify the wrongs in this team.”

was the smug reply, from the precocious teenage intruder.

“Like your suitcases strewn all over our living room?” quipped Bobby, after had catching a glance at their living room, that was now filled with at least five or six bulks of suitcases.

“Bobby! Kaylee! ” Sherry Lynn’s voice reproached them with just their names; she didn’t want them to push their luck.

“ Bobby? Bobby? That’s what you call yourself by, Barbara? Bobby?” mockingly the voice of Prudence rang through the kitchen. “Isn’t that… very masculine of you. Finally coming out of the closet, Barbara Olga Barnaby?”

This hit a nerve.

Bobby visibly flinched at the sound of her full name, and glared at Prudence with such intense heat that if looks could kill, Prudence would’ve been nothing but a low pile of dirt.

‘ as she should be’ thought Bobby savagely, dreaming of the vision where Prudence were to be vaporized by lasers and bombed by several missiles.

Bobby Barnaby despised people bringing out old taunts, alluding to her past.

Anger boiled it’s way through Bobby’s bones, and adrenaline pumped in her veins, she was THIS close to throwing out the unwanted intruder out to the streets.

But before Bobby could unleash her fury, Prudence ever so gracefully slinked out of the kitchen, with the phone to her ear signifying she had a phone call to make, leaving the trio at peace.

Kaylee and Sherry Lynn, glanced warily at each other as they could practically see Bobby shake with anger and frustration, ready to pounce on anyone who said the wrong thing. After a grueling few seconds, Sherry Lynn decided to break the tensed ice.

“You know what? I’m still hungry.”


The Deception of Truth Chapter 5

A/N: An excuse for me to practise my English writing skills for English 1 and English 2. :P

Claimer: This story, it's plot and characters are mine. My twisted brain, meshed reality with fantasy, alluded memoirs and dreams together to give me this, so please do not borrow or take or steal anything. If you do,may winged monkeys with rabies plague you for eternity.

And now, to get on with the story.

Chapter 5

Kaylee watched as Sherry Lynn, slowly, ever so slowly open the pocket. Her brown-haired friend then took out a card exactly the same that she was currently holding. Hazel eyes metamorphosed into a cold chilling colour, as she read the bold lines encrypted into the plastic card in her hand.

“We’re being invigilated?” asked Sherry Lynn, her hazel eyes flashing with an emotion that mirrored the inner turm oil in Kaylee's.

A startled cry pierced the air, followed by a clatter of pots and pans. A girl of 19 years of age stood at the other side of the room, spectacles magnifying the taken aback look in her dark coffee irises.

“We’re being invigilated?” echoed the be-spectacled girl.

“Apparently, yes.” answered Kaylee in a disdained dripped tone.

“Invigilated?” wide eyed with disbelief, Sherry Lynn jabbed at the card that she held.

Kaylee nodded her head sadly :

“I know, right?”

There the brunette across the room chose to ask eagerly trying to find what Kaylee and Sherry Lynn were talking about:

“Invigilated by who?”

“Read your file, will you?”

Exasperated Kaylee threw a blue file with a long label to the girl, again repeating instructions where to find the abominable card.
Bobby caught the file with ease and expertise, like catching a Frisbee, quickly fishing out a card similar to Kaylee’s and Sherry’s.

Reading the inscription on the card, Bobby’s eyes immediately widen to the extent of nearly popping out, while her mouth gaped unbelievingly; making her seem like a fish.

“No way. Of all people we get Puny Prudey ?”

Bobby practically screamed, still wide eyed. Not that Kaylee could blame her.

Prudence Bliche had an infamous reputation for being a very by-the-book agent ever produced by the company. Her inane compensation of being able to spot mistakes in reports and schedules of her fellow graduates during her academy years, training for the company, had caught the administrator’s eyes.

At first she had been training with the Technology Researcher’s Unit with Kaylee, but had been changed courses to a more suitable course, in the administration strategic station, or what Kaylee referred to ‘ the Donkey’s stable’. Prudence being Prudence, had chosen the course that would give her a sure amount of power over her peers; invigilating.

Being an invigilator, would mean that Prudence had to check on any teams she wanted, staying with them through out the course of a mission, to observe, note down and also determine the fate of the teams; giving her the authority to either suspend a whole team and send them through a grueling course, dedicated to re-boot an agent’s self worth and reputation.

For this reason alone, teams had long learned to despise the ever-coming inevitable visit of the dreaded invigilator.

That’s what Sherry Lynn felt. Dread and frustration curling up within her abdomen, Sherry did not want an invigilator to come and scrutinize the trio. A dash of anger, hit her squarely on the chest, as she came to realize something and voiced it out with an incredulous tone:

“Why do we need to be invigilated, anyhow?”

A voice that did not belong to either of the three girls sitting around the table, rang through the kitchen doorway, answering Sherry Lynn’s question promptly.

“ A question with such an obvious answer.”


The Deception of Truth. Chapter 3 and Chapter 4

Chapter 3


Bobby whipped her head to her right.

“Why’d you stop me from giving that old hoot a piece of my mind?” she said heatedly to her onyx eyed friend who was still staring at the floor.

Her friend looked at her, stared straight at her in the eye, smiled and said


“Right.”, replied Bobby to the simple answer, a very frustrated tone intertwined in between her words and letters.

The tense air, which always seemed to lead to an explosive argument between her two friends, felt suffocating to Sherry Lynn. Quickly searching for something to calm her hot-headed companions Sherry Lynn opened her mouth and said.

“I’m hungry.”

The reaction was instant.

It was as if ice water had been splayed over her two friends and both of them stared at her in disbelief for a moment,(and you could nearly see the sweat drop on their heads) then at each other, before simultaneously answering the statement.

“When are you not?”

Forgetting the tense argument that had been budding, Bobby and Kaylee high-fived at the sight of their retort; making Sherry Lynn glare at them both.

“I’ll take that as my cue, hey do you guys know where the pasta is?” smirked Bobby as she wiped here hands from imaginary dust.

“How should we know? You’re the chef of the house.” stated Sherry Lynn, and it was true.

Out of the the three girls, Bobby was the one who cooked all the meals, excluding breakfast. It wasn’t like anyone forced her to, it was just that neither of her two housemates were what was called ‘kitchen-friendly’. In other words, Sherry Lynn couldn’t cook to save her life, while Kaylee was an accident just waiting to happen.

Receiving Sherry Lynn’s comment with a shrug, Bobby looked on to Kaylee who seemed to be in deep thought. After what seemed a few seconds, Kaylee finally looked up to Bobby and said in a confused tone:

“Dude, we have pasta?”

Both Sherry Lynn and Bobby wisely chose to ignore Kaylee’s question, and retreated into the kitchen; leaving their queer friend to ramble to herself about pasta.

And now, a rare treat. after the proddings of gman. (Majal kau 'wang!!!)

Chapter 4
The kitchen was a quaint place, with a breakfast island and a small dining table for 6 people, it was a very comfortable dwelling. A humming refridgerator, was cornered by cupboards filled with various utensils. Of which they were rummaged through by Bobby Barnaby who was still searching in vain for the missing pasta.

Bobby shifted through boxes of food mixings and cereal, the cans of compressed food but still could not find her treasure.

“Why not just cook something else?” said a voice behind her, hungrily. Sherry Lynn had just spent five minutes staring at her friend’s search for the pasta and though she was amused by Bobby’s antics she was hungry, and a hungry Sherry Lynn was an irritable Sherry Lynn. She sat at the table, her fingers tapping the surface trying to distract herself from the gnawing feeling that was sinking in her stomach.

“’Cause Sherry I want to eat pasta.” Came Bobby’s gruff reply as she was bent over desperately looking for her craved food.

“ We should hire a detective.” Stated a smirking Kaylee Crawford who had just appeared near the archway, startling both of the kitchen’s dwellers with her sudden appearance..

“ Well, we are spies, aren’t we?” asked Bobby in retaliation.

“Yep.” chirped Kaylee, completely ignoring the sarcasm, joining Sherry at the table, with files in her hand.

Grumbling to herself about her cravings for pasta, Bobby returned back to her futile search for the ‘long stringy brittle run-aways’.

Kaylee flipped open one of the blue files she had brought, that had her name on it, scanning each line with her onyx eyes.

“Looks like our target’s a big shot “ observed Sherry who was peeping at Kaylee’s file.

“Read your own file!” snapped Kaylee.

“Oh, fine.”

Sherry sighed as she opened her dreary file.

‘Hmm… seems like a lot of research work… poor Kaylee.’ Thought Sherry as she glanced at the amount of paperwork and data presented, needed to be researched and exploited by the team.

‘No wonder she’s so tense.’ Sherry glanced at her team mate, and saw Kaylee pinch her nose hard as if getting a migraine just by reading the pages of assignment for her to do.

Sherry Lynn thanked god that she wasn’t a techie.

Each team from the ‘company’ (or so they called it) had to have atleast two infiltrators and minimum one technical advisor or for a shorter term a ‘techie’.
For Sherry’s team, the infiltrators were Sherry and Bobby whilst Kaylee was the team’s techie.

Infiltrators were the ones who ‘infiltrated’ the ‘enemy’s den’ by any possible way. Be it such through bribes, parties, or seduction, it was the infiltrators mission to get in and get out unscathed no matter the consequences. It was mandatory for them to master the art of disguise, martial arts and even the science of manipulating the psychological working of the human mind. For them to be able to do this, they needed a techie.

A techie worked ‘behind the curtains’. Techies were the ones recording the progress of the mission, marking each discovery and eventually sending in full reports of the mission back to the company. They provided the Infiltrators information from what they’ve researched on each character that was connected to the target and also the target itself, as the company did not dish out much information to their field teams. This was an extra precaution for the company, as if the team was caught, the company would have no connection to the fallen team.

“It’d be like we never existed.” Remarked Sherry dryly in her realm of thoughts, as she pondered what would happen if her team was caught.

“Unbeleivable!” penetrated a voice through Sherry’s mind.

Snapping back to the realm of reality, Sherry’s focus was attached to her brown-haired friend who was glaring a piece of card with a very intense look in her onyx eyes. Confused Sherry asked:


“Look at the front pocket, in front. At the file cover.”

Sherry Lynn did as she was instructed.


A rant

I haven't been paying attention to my blog for a while. And I do mean a while. Sue me.

I was really intending to update the story. I really was....


that was before I saw my Gourmet Points.

My writing mood totally evaporated into a vacuum, and I was cast into a thunderstorm of FRUSTRATION.

For three days, the stupid application had kept informing me it could NOT establish connection and even dared suggest for me to update my flash player.

For three days:


Dude, seriously.

Three days, THREE DAYS.

And now because of that I've fallen far from my aim.

Staring at those tiny absurdly-clothed people made up of megabytes walk in and out of my lot meeting head on with my small army who were armed with pots and sore feet, I felt my eye twitch.

It could have been due my restless eyes glaring at the lit screen for to long without blinking,
but it's way more amusing to think it was because I felt very exasperated.

And I was exasperated, trust me I was.

I was so frustrated with the over-dramatically slow walking of my staff, the over-rated complaint of slow-service and even the wierd styled avatars driving over old, unreasonably shiny cars.


Honestly, who sells carrots at the price of $3800? Who does?

Well, I'll tell you who. It's that wretched vege-hawker by the side of my restaurant that's who. She waves her darn vegs like flags, as if anyone would be interested in her grossly expensive 'fresh' ingredients.

Fresh, my butt.

You know what, Veg Waving Lady? I'm gonna buy from India. Yea, India. Way cheaper, and FRESH.

Not like you, you blood-sucking wretched urchin.

And don't even get me started with those petty creatures we call "customers".

They come and go as they please, demanding food at absurdly short instances, and paying all of the services and food with a measly $2.

Two dollars.

What kind of lousy payment is that? Your talking about bowls that are so big they fill the whole table and you're paying like two dollars. What about those poor waiters/ waitresses who have to carry those darn heavy food to you or even those tired chefs who bust their butts just giving you your darn 2 dollars worth? And also the worn knees of the cleaner(s) who has to clean the marks that you and your darn shoes bring to my clean abode of refreshments?

Not that I'm saying the employees in that restaurant is all that innocent.

Infact, they too are guilty of treason and ungratefulness.

You employees, work. I admit you do your work. Yet you do not do it with the vigor or appreciation that I myself had hoped for. Come on, I've (literally) fed you, I've even timed myself so you wouldn't need to suffer that prolonged torture of having your energy level drop lower than 50.

Every 15 minutes, and I reward you all a whole glass of water costing $60 each.

$60 x 8 =$480

That's like cyber-murder, seriously.

Over-priced goods, under-entusiastic workers and unbelievably slow-collecting gourmet points.

And yes, you've probably guessed by now that I've just spent about a few minutes worth of words into this blog about that wretched mind addicting game.

This world is coming to a short coming ends with those sad stingy impatient twerps and underpaid un-enthusiasts..

or maybe that's just me. :) (which is almost always the case when it's associated with me)


The Deception of Truth. Chapter 2

Chapter 2

The small remote whirred and beeped like an ambulance having a fit, making sure the sound it emitted was heard through out the whole house: from the kitchen where Bobby was currently busy preparing for dinner to the bedrooms upstairs where they seldom resided.

Sherry and Kaylee simultaneously glanced at the ringing device; that rang with an insistent annoying beep, and then looked away. Both were preoccupied with the view of their familiar living room; pointedly ignoring the ringing remote

Kaylee sat and stared at the wall, which was adorned with several pictures of natural sites of beauty; her favourite was the beautiful picturesque of a forest the three friend had gone on an ‘assignment’. The picture was hauntingly beautiful in it’s black and white glory, with all the leaves swaying to a non-visible whispering wind, twigs laying about marking unknown territories and trees bent into an archway alluding the scene to seem like a corridor leading to hidden secrets or maybe an escape from reality.

Sherry Lynn simply snatched a magazine which had laid ontop of the messy coffee table in front of the couch and proceeded to ‘read’. After reading a page from the magazine, Sherry snorted with laughter.

‘Oh how misfortunate for those wealthy brats to have accidentally worn the same dress!’ thought Sherry Lynn with dry humour as she read the overdramatic reaction and reason for a catfight between two teen-stars.

“You guys gonna answer that?” called Bobby who was busy trying to find pasta in their kitchen. Silence met her question as both teens in the living room acted as if they couldn’t hear her which was impossible since the kitchen had an open archway leading towards the living room.

Sighing with frustration, Bobby abandoned her search and stalked to the living room; annoyed by the pollution of sound made by the wretched device.

Snatching the remote from the coffee table, where it laid inside a puddle of magazines, Bobby played with the thought of throwing the remote away but her conscience got through to her. She clicked the enter button on the remote while pointing it to the Television sitting opposite them all.

Immediately the Television came to life, showing a man who sat behind a forbidding looking desk with sitting primly faced with a stoic expression of a terse and ‘by-the-book’ air.

“Took you long enough to answer that machine.” stated the man, his tool bar moustache twitching slightly as a brisk voice escaped his frowning lips.

No one answered his statement.

Cold harsh eyes surveying the three girls and the living room from the glass of the TV set, stopped and focused on an object which laid innocently on top of the coffee table: Sherry Lynn’s file.

He stared hard at them all, from Kaylee who sat at the far right determinedly staring at the floor, to Bobby whose expression practically said ‘screw you’ and finally reaching Sherry Lynn staring blankly at the opposite wall.

“I see you’ve gotten your files, have you read them?” the man asked, his eyes getting smaller as his frown became more pronounced through the screen. Pixel after pixel delivering a very loud message of contempt.

“Obviously you haven’t, you silly girls wouldn’t have gone passed the first page.”
barked the voice, making the three girls either clench their fists or bite their tongue or for Bobby’s case raise a very arched eyebrow towards the man.

“Well, maybe your company shouldn’t have picked us ‘silly little girls’ for this work then.”

Bobby’s answer pierced the air, her eyes shining behind the shield of her spectacles, giving off an air of danger which was readily recognized by her two friend both at her side.

“I’d like to remind all of you, that as long as you are binded by the contract you had readily signed you will treat me with respect!” raised the man, anger again portrayed by the twitching of his moustache and pursed lips.

Bobby again opened her mouth to retort, but was silenced by the pinch and the slight shake of the head at her right side; Kaylee's side. An obvious plea for her to stop before things got out of hand. Looking away from the screen, Bobby opted for silence as the best defense.

The man took her silence as defeat.

“Now, the mission you are going to be handling is a case classified B Omega, you will handle this case with care. The objective is to capture, interrogate and eliminate.” he spoke decisively, cutting the air with the curtness of his words.

“We expect the information to be handed in the moment of duration given. I strongly suggest you to start reading that file before attempting this mission.” His eyes grew smaller, pronouncing the crow foot at the side of his face more than ever. Tensely he re-opened his mouth letting out the last words.

“Failure is not an option.”

And with that the Television set went blank.


The Deception of Truth. Chapter 1

Dark eyes narrowed as it stared at the plastic card in front of them. Her mouth pursed into distaste as she glared at the fonts printed onto the card. Hands threatening to break the demeaning plastic into half.

Unbeleivable’, she thought vehemently. The young brunette did not move an inch, as the door flung open to reveal her friend of years.

“I have to dye my hair PINK?!’ her peer screamed, her pitch dislocating altitudes of sorts. Dark coffee eyes wide with shock and apprehension grew even wider as she waved the file in her hand as if it was on fire. Her spectacles shone by the reflected cones of light splayed by the ceiling lamp of the blue walled room.

A smirk played on the face of the onyx eyed girl while glancing at her franticing comrade, when… a shriek pierced the air.

Fear and panic reflected in both female’s faces as they sprinted out of the room and into the living room they all shared. There they saw the other resident of the residual home they all shared: she was screaming.

Both stared wide eyed at their brown haired colleague who was supposedly the most collected of their group. Stopping for breath the small petite girl finally turned and grinned at her housemates while dropping a file similar to their's ontop the coffee table.

“I get to get red highlights!!” she jumped and laughed on the couch as a child would when given sweets. An exasperated sigh escaped the watching duo.

Not again…’ they both thought as she jumped; nearly decapitating the couch, and whooped aloud.

“Sherry, get off the couch!” spoke the girl of onyx eyes, deeply disturbed at looking her nap spot being disrupted by the apparently enthusiastic hazel-eyed teen infront of her.

The red-haired wannabe abruptly stopped her celebration , and dismembering of the couch and blew a raspberry at her friend.

"Very mature Sherry, very mature" retorted the disturbed teen.

“Kaylee is such a Fun-spoiler”, teased Sherry cheerfully; mockingly.

“I am not!” jumped the words from Kaylee’s mouth; she never thought much before talking.

“Oh there they go again…” moaned their be-spectacled friend, who shook her head and went away from the fueled banter of her friends to the kitchen.

“ Kaylee is a FUN-SPOILER!!”

“Sheryy is a COUCH-JUMPER”

“That’s better than a FUN-SPOILER”

Kaylee gaped at her ‘opponent’ apparently at a loss of words.

“Bobby!!! Back me up here” Kaylee shouted into the kitchen.

Popping her head into the living room, the be-spectacled girl smirked at her onyx-eyed friend; making Kaylee regret asking her for help.

“Dude, you are a fun-spoiler” grinned Bobby, disappearing back through the kitchen doorway; leaving her onyx-eyed comrade to gape at her shadow.

'Great,they're ganging up on you,' thought Kaylee to herself as she dwelled on her idiocy of walking into said trap several times before.

“ See Kaylee… you’re a Fun-spoiler,” teased the now smirking other occupant of the room as she flopped back onto the couch.

“You better close that mouth of yours too..” Sherry continued, flippantly grabbing the remote to watch television.

“At least my name isn’t Sherry Lynn” Kaylee grumbled as she too flopped onto the couch.

Instantly the atmosphere of the room metamorphosed intensely. The temperature dropped into glacier-like degrees sending shivers up Kaylee’s spine.
Slowly Sherry turned her head, to glare at Kaylee and opened her mouth.

“What did you say?” Sherry sweetly spat out to her hyperventilating friend.

“Nothing, I said Nothing… You win! Yes.. That’s it.. You won.” muttered Kaylee quickly.

Sherry raised her eyebrow when… the TV remote rang.

A/N : Heh. *Waggles Eyebrow*
Got that from a dream. Haha :)
Yes, the Tv Remote rang. that isn't a typo. It really did ring.
:) the characters were based on a dream. but I'm tweaking the plot-line.

Anyhow.... what say you to a lil' help? Reviews, Comments.. and Critics?


Dude.. haha long time no watch bahh. :)

"And the day is saved.. thanks to the power puff girls!"


A bit rusty with my writing skills. O.o

At first I wanted to copy Hardy's style of writing, but it's way to mind bogglig for me to endeavour for just two hours. soo yeaa still working on it. :) anyhow. so, yea. okay.


The moon peeked through soft fluffy clouds, winking to her admirers, sending messages of sweet lullabies through sensous rays splaying upon the courtyard. The sky was adorned by the soft twinkling of light, shone by the luminous stars, perceiving a sense of beauty enamouring the hearts of several below. The wind slowly whispered sweet nothings into ears, canaling through a lulling feeling of ease and comfort. Diamonds blinked down onwards, a glitterous sight of clumps of colours bedecked upon a canvass of ebony.

Bowls and cups of small and large sat straddling tables which were set upon hind legs, overflowing with such different content. Candle lanterns, patterned abstractedly in a vindictive way, swerved through thread loftily stood above, lit the site with a soft light; bringing out a sweet scent of fantasy. Reflected tender seams of light lit the temporary floor of the night, already marred by the marks of shoes and slippers.

A crowd moves in the middle, all swaying to be in this momentous portrait of life at its zenith. Striding softly to the rhythm set by nature and humans alike, together in harmony. An acoustic en grande was all they had, stroking each person, each couple with the swift sensation of delight; of grandeur. Each partner differently dressed as it was accustomed in such an occasion, of swirls and twirl, puffs and huffs, all messed in the fog of participants.

Amidst the shifting crowd, there stood a coat, of deep blue standing amidst the other black and blues of the ocean. The coat marred with wrinkles and obvious movements hung onto shoulders of broad width over an average height. The chivalrous tuxedo was marred with a splash of red long and droopy across his chest, swaying to the shift of the body. Shoes worn down below the pants squeeked and squawked undecidedly across, adding no marks to the floor. The uniform, weaved left and right, with eyes never leaving the destination.

The soft pale yellow perched elegantly atop, as swirls sweet strings framed the beauty that would put shame to others so easily. The exposed neck bathed in the light, arched sideways as if pondering or even falling asleep. A chuckle rumbles in the coat’s chest as eyes surveyed the blonde beauty smile at teases, letting it slide. An appreciative sight of wondrous glory was portrayed again, as pink splashes emerged on soft cheeks as their eyes finally met. Her eyes a wondrous depth of brown, acted as a beacon towards the coated man, snaring each senses making his irrevocably hers just by a look.

. She was by far not the jewel of the party nor was she a ruby but that did not register in his now muddled mind. All he knew were: those eyes beckoning him closer; eyes that he could read as the back of his own hands : the smile slowly arcing through her face; he’s seen a million times. All he could think of was to hold the woman whose beauty of nature outshone others in his eyes. All he wanted was to hold her tight and never let go; for she was everything to him. She was his redeemer of strength, his friend in the dark, the holder of his secrets.

Soft strums of strings serenaded the silent night, as he swiftly strode seeking companionship with his very own


The Line

So, I'm thinking
and I'm walking.
I'm feeling fine.

I'm walking
and thinking
that I'm stepping in line.

But now I'm thinking
and looking,
this line I'm walking-

seems to wander a lot;
quite a lot for such
a fine line.

Not that, thinking
while walking
at such a slow pace,

will do me
much good,
if I can't leave this place.

Though if I keep walking
I'm sure I'll fine
a suitable end.

Though, pardon me saying
but I must say,
that line I'm following?

It's all in my head.


A little research gone astray.

Today in the afternoon, after reading through the add maths textbook to revise *cough cough*
I decided to do a little research you know.. Like per se usual. when I came across a movie poster about.. a movie I watched a few months ago. (last year I believe).

Gabriel : far from grace

GABRIEL tells the story of an Arc Angel who fights to bring light back to purgatory - a place where darkness rules - and save the souls of the city’s inhabitants.

(way cool is my opinion)awesome fight scenes!! AND NICE SOUNDTRACK

It was a pretty cool movie, even if the special effects could be depicted, I still say it was a nice movie to watch on HBO. Albeit a scary one. Don't believe me how scary? Jangan tha pulang~ your bad.
:PReminded me of Lord Voldermort
ahhh crazy scream in that scene.
O.O I'd post more pics of the awesome scenes.. but.. uh.. they are a bit 'disturbing'

Anyhow, it's a very very very very small budget film, it has a way awesome plotline, that I think some people can relate to especially those who've lost their maps. ;P and can't buy compasses. (apakan?) hahahahaha

I'd rate this movie about 4 and a half stars. (it scared the bejeepers out of me especially michael's eyes.)

seriously.made me have nightmares for a while. OKAY. YEA. THE EYES WERE MORE SCARIER CLOSER UP IN ONE SCENE. AHHHH~ hahaha but still cool movie.
"At the end of the day, what do you have? Tell me." she asks.

She's standing infront of him.


Crazy time

The time to get crazy is coming close.

Right now.


Do you know how much we have to study BEFORE JULY?!
Like one Kilometre of books just waiting for to be read by our ever so education hungry eyes.

Siao man.
bah kan sambung belajar jua ku ni kan?
ciao crazy short post


News report on 10...9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..and..1..

Did you know?

Smiling and laughing is the best exercise for your brain.
It is the most effective way to supply oxygen to the brain. Once you start to smile and laugh, there is joy coming from your heart.

Your brain experiences a transformation simply by laughing one time. If you laugh intensely, you will be using nerves in the brain, as well as facial muscles, that you do not ordinarily use. It is better to laugh for 5 minutes than to exercise for five hours.

So, basically when you look in the mirror, meet other people, or when you are alone in your room, laugh to the fullest! Even if they stare at you like you're insane because your health will be improved and your life will change.

So keep on smiling and laughing people. :)

This report is based on internet research from various websites.
;) Qeel


Words Of The Heart Part 1

I'm just gonna publish old stories I've written here... aite??

The world is so scary when observed through a window of tears. Distorted images beckon you, disturbingly recognizable like manipulated photographs. Pieces of your life stretched out, blurred, and pooled together in an alternate universe. You know where you are, you've been here before, but nothing looks familiar.

Maybe that's why I can't find you.

I reach, I call out, I fall… I meet the cold, unforgiving ground that offers no relief, no answers.

Where is my safety net? How can protection slip out of one's grasp so quietly? Subtle, it just silently vanishes while I am otherwise diverted.

It leaves, you leave me nothing but the sullen ground with which I become transfixed, riveted, staring at the soil that will someday become my grave. No redemption, no forgiveness…

You can't be gone, not forever.

Forever is a long time…

It's strange how the presence of the ones you love can change everything. The difference between standing in a vacant parking lot and a field of bright aromatic flowers. Each person you love in your life holds a piece of your heart, they live in that space, keep it functioning.
But then without warning, painfully, viciously one of them leaves. Did you know what you were taking with you when you went away? Does it keep you company wherever you are? I miss that part of myself, I miss what you took from the others, I miss you.

We're not flowers anymore. We all just stand together, grey and sullen in a vacant lot, abandoned by sunlight, snubbed by the living and beautiful, waiting for you. The shadows meet us in your place, dark and cold, smirking while we try to find you through the blackness.
But you still don't come, and we wait alone.

Together, but so alone.

When you feel like you have nothing to lose, it's amazing the risks you will take. I've always been told I'm not careful enough, that my headstrong stubbornness will get me into trouble someday. You used to say that sometimes in your quiet, non-offensive way.

But I'm already in trouble, I've already lost, my balance gone with you, with the sunlight and the flowers. There are replacements for the things you took, each of us left with these self-destructive behaviors that linger and mock us. They chip away at the goodness you brought to our lives, threaten to ruin your legacy.

I don't want that, but I'm so scared, so cold. Can't I just sit by the fire for awhile if I promise not to get burnt, would that be so wrong? Can I hold onto this comforter, this blanket that soaks up my tears and chases away the chill?

I just want to know myself again, to live again… if danger makes you feel truly alive, can it really be so harmful? Or am I the one who’s riding without a helmet now?

If I hang on tight, maybe this time I won't fall.


a lazy update

Okay. this is today's post. Now. there. this counts as an update...doesn't it?
hahahah malas ku bah. esuk saja tah nah..


an update?

Rain pellets hit the window pane, making a clatter through the whole of room. You're sitting ontop of the bed, crosslegged staring aimlessly into the darkness. The face glitters in the darkness, reflecting the moonlight splayed into the potrait of the room. It's hands slowly moving, making a clicking sound, irritating and twisting nerves you never knew you had. The face tells you something, plaguing you with responsibilities and flowing the feel of dread and fatigue.

The face tells you it's one in the morning.

"Damn it"

You exhale, feeling faint, it's been a while. Your eyes burn in their sockets, daringly pleading you to drop into the comforting quilt and sink into that welcoming pillow, so near you; within your grasp. But you dare not.

Exhausted your brain's just about to break down, no, you won't. You can't.

You do.

The rebel in you forces you to rest, to hold you captive helpless to the wilies of a the monster of the night. As your head falls to the soft landing fitting your heart races and stops entirely at the same moment, sending you to the realm of unconciousness.

You fall asleep.

Ensnared you feel the breath in your lungs rush out, as your met with the scene that has been playing through your brain all day, like a broken record. The words reverberate through the air, twisting your throat, the slaps of curt answers pierced the air and you feel your blood freeze.

The sight infront of your eyes, you can't forget; you doubt you ever will.

The strangled figure of courage on the floor, it's blood imprinted to the wall of your mind. Charred is your concience as you hear words that should not be uttered, accusations raised to the air and chartered through you by calculative figures, shaded glasses, tightened strings of anger.

You stand for what you believe in, rigidly repeating, trying to stope the battle raging on. A fighter, they said, you were always a fighter, always trying to find an advantage for tactical resevere.

The problem is, you notice, being a fighter, you can't handle this. The feeling inside you, gripping you to the core. Staring and absorbing the view presented, the mangled gasp struggling through your bruised lips, yearning to stop the senselessness of the situation.

Shackled to weakness, you can't do anything; you're helpless. You hate being helpless, and that is what you are, powerless against the rushing stream of clenched fists and boneless features.

Nothing in this world, has felt this bad, not kicks nor punches could beat this feeling of pure terror, overwhelming you.

Eyes glued to the brutality towards that sole voice that you've heard so many times; joked with.

You urge it to stop, the the violence to the voice, to fucking put a cork in. But no, it repeats, and you fall.

'Holy crap', you think, as you see the structure fall beyond rails of safety.

Breath hitches, as contradicting natures of thoughts clash as you dash at the sign of life, at the edge. Seemingly stumbling steps meet your beaten legs, and in the middle, a hole holding so much more. Behind the barrel, a face you've known for a while, that perhaps you've trusted just a bit, and you thank god for your nature.

They bring you to the red scene, painted with agony, where an armless and faceless spot of life twitched to live. You do what you can, you help just a bit, to redeem, to apologize. Shadows surround you, but you see an inkling of light; perhaps a shade of faith and hope.

But it quickly dissipates, as reality guts you, shadows will engulf them as they did to you; fully dismantling bravery through numerous ways of darkness.

'Go,' screams bravery.

Justice was never just, but the shot ran through your spine, as the aim was true. Unappeased, again blurred shots of misconception twice punctures the head of courage. Skidded blood skewed your hearing, as it was impaired by an explosion of fragmented pale pieces befell on you.

Red is the last thing you see, blue turning to red; a harsh image. Laughter and screams intertwining in between each loop; weaving into your memory. The clinks of fallen bullets and twisted bones burned to mind. Horror-strcken, gaunt-like eyes, staring at you, haunting you every second.

You wake up screaming, sweating cold sweat, heart beating faster than before.

You tell yourself it's just a dream, but a little voice whispers it might happen.

Fear takes it's toll, and you dare not wink at all.

The fighter in you, fights the demons to bay, and you sit up and stare again, feeling helpless. Stars above making sure you have company as thoughts and images of that fated horror.

That night, you do not sleep at all.


A sacrifice

He won’t make it.

He’ll never get through, he knows he won’t. With every trudge of his foot down the path; he knew he wouldn’t make it. Each second; each grasp of breath he takes now, could be his last. No, he knows they will be his last.

He can’t explain it, can’t elaborate the feelings in his gut. Controversial instincts clash in his body. Brain, Heart, Muscle; all, battling for control.

Heart thumping, sending bloodless oxygen spiraling through capillaries of wood, to give and take, to give and take. Always a reason for giving, always a reason to give. For every choice there is a reason. Also a consequence.

Muscles constricting arteries, dilating veins; vice versa. Simultaneously. Spasms jittering fiber, bone and sense through cells. Moving, respiring, living, for the last time. Spluttering responses, letting instinct run a lost race.

Brain shifting through, each memory, each feeling, categorizing each memoir, trying to see sense, searching an escape to live out an alternative. Analyzing each discarded possibility, repeatedly; obsessively.

Each of his strength tantalizingly dances with his weakness in a time without space, in a place where there is no light, no darkness. He walks mechanically to his destination.

Never has he felt this desperate, this dire for him to lay it all bare.
Never has he marched to battle without a plan.
To dance along with an unknown beat.

Yet he continues, plunging into unchartered waters. Marching through an unknown abyss of darkness. Shameless guilt set upon the path.

For her. All for her. Her; the wearer of probing eyes. The sniffer of problems, He did this all for her. For her to smile, to laugh.

Even if it’s without him. He’d give away everything for her; even his life. He’d sacrifice his soul for her.

The only chance for her to live again, was for him to give a sacrifice on the altar of happiness and pride. His happiness for hers, his dignity for her life.

He’d have to give away a part of his heart. He knows deep inside, a knowledge which supports the chances of him making it through were slim to none. Anyway, if he was able to go through, he won’t be able to be who he was. A runner, a basketball player.

He’d be less of who he was. less of who he had become.

Ironic, through out his short 15 years of life, he’d never been so keen on making his sister laugh.
Till now.


Random sproutings

"Once upon a time..."
A beautiful beginning to a tantalizing tale, a classic adored by others, fantasized by children and humoured by adults. Humans selfishly dwell on these stories, forgetting reality for a while. Even if it's just for an hour or a few minutes, you sometimes sit down and ponder on mindless questions, yearning for our own happy ending.

Happy endings are never coming, does cartoons are lies. trechorously stringing all of us along for a ride, flaunting something we'll never have. And we'll yearn for it even more, deluding ourselves of reality.

As the caged bird screams, we dream.

We dream of sunsets by the beach where we'd picnic, dream of a whole life filled with joy and delight. Masking our own reality, not knowing without reality there can be no truth. But we happily do so.

Believing a hoax.
Trusting a lie.

for ignorance is bliss.


An Advantage to a Power Shortage

They lay out on the damp grass, staring up at the stars. Her head rested on his chest and their fingers were laced together.

“So beautiful.” She whispered. Being out here during a power shortage was amazing. There were no lights to deter the beauty of the stars.

“Yeah.” He smiled at her. To him, her beauty was much greater than the stars.

She leaned her head to kiss him.

“Summer nights, no lights, what a sight.” She grinned at his rhyme.

“You’re a dork.”

“But I’m your dork.”

“Yes, that you are. Always and forever.” And they kissed again.


I know..mushy.. tacky..and so totally cliche.kill me.we all need them in our life..one way or another.. :P


To be remembered.

"Because life is boring"

The words raspy in the cold night air, echoes as it bounces of the walls of the room. Voicing reason, showing logic, for the adolescent teen. Standing in the corner, leaning onto the wall just like he always was.

"No it's not.

Each day, is an adventure. No matter how small or uneventful, each choice we make and each thought we ponder on, changes our future. Each and every of our action paths a way through, and each of our words slashes through the wild. An adventure doesn't mean having adrenalin soaring through your body, your heart beating at the speed of light. An adventure is a journey, a journey which brings you to another place, another destination.

So in a way, each day you live, is each day you're closer to another place.Get it?"

The girl's voice: strong and turgid. Ringing in the cracks in the ceiling and walls.

"Done with the sermon?"

A smug face appearing on his gaunt features. Teasing the girl for her speech.

"Call it as you may, but you shouldn't do this. You know you shouldn't."

Voicing her opinion, reprimanding the boy for his lack of insight.

"I've had enough of this so called journey,I always end up being in the same place. Life sucks. Life is unfair."

Assured words of the boy, resignation flowing through.Hands steady and ready.

"Life is fair through it's unfairness"

Yet she remains adamant, persisting against, what he was going to do. Stubbornly attempting to stop him.

" Tell that to those who suffer, who have mothers who blame them, who become frustration outlets, whose life are so deranged that they feel like they're floating through life, with no purpose. Tell them. Life is FAIR. That it's fair for them to go through crap everyday, it's fair that they face against dangers constantly. "

Anger resounded in his voice, frustration leaking out. Hurt seen pass through the visor. Slowly he pointed it to his head. It's nearly time.

"Ethan, don't do this. Please. I'm begging you, Don't."

Her tone was desperate.

Ethan looked at her, his English partner, a nobody.
Cynthia Kent. No one to him.

But as she stood in the doorway, affixed and firm. Looking at him with determination, he couldn't help feel happy. His hands are steady, fingers are ready.

Atleast someone'll witness it and remember.

Smiling, Ethan Mayne pulled the trigger of the colt 45.


It's official.

Ask me a Straight maths question, even add maths. I'd have a chance of answering.I swear.

Twist them?
I lose my brain.
Really I do. I am NOT joking.
It's not even hilarious.
yea.Yea.It's just me I guess.It feels like..the numbers are twisting and forming itself into snakes slowly squeezing my trachea till I can't breathe.

Physics, You? Please please stick into my head.
Please, please co-operate, I have ideas.
God knows I have ideas, but I can't seem to express it.

And you, You dear.
Yes. Maths and add maths.
I know you don't like me.
I don't like you too.

and it's also official.
I've lost my mind.


For the boy who shall never grow up

"You see that? You see that? I saw it! I saw it! I told you so! I saw it! SEE!!"
A shrill voice came from the blue-tiled roof of 56 Foderstew Street, echoing into the abyss of the night.

There laid two friends of opposite gender spread out, looking out into the night sky. To the left there laid a boy, wearing a polo and hip fitting trousers, his neat cut and also spotlessly decked with a cheesy sweater (which he claimed his 'dear old grandmother' had given him) was absurdly contrasted with his friend's appearance. Her laidback appearance, consisted of a t-shirt and a pair of jeans that were not hip-hugging nor were they 'butt-falling'. Her hair pulled up to a messy pony-tail, this girl was normal. Except that she was pointing excitedly to what the boy deemed as an empty sky, as he was to busy keeping his eyes shut.

"There's nothing up there, Kaylie.Just the sky." stated the solemn voice of the absurdly bland-looking boy.

"Oh come on Adam! Look just look. There it is.Second star to the right! It's shining so brightly, Impossible if you can't see it." insisted the pony-tailed brunnete.

"Kaylie, I know what I know, and I know a lot more than you do." smug superiority shining through his words naturally.

Kaylie looked at her best friend, baffled at his stubborn stupidity.

"Adam, come on, be a good sport! Just open your eyes! I swear ontop of my bubble-gum collection there it is, Adam. Just open your eyes and see."

Frustration and impatience dwindled in her, as Adam once again refused to open his eyes.
Patience was never a preseverance for the short-fused wit of a girl, and doing drastic dramatic actions were the things she had thrills from.

Whispering vehement warnings and urgings to the blonde green-eyed boy next to her, she crouched herself into position.

" Adam, If you don't open your eyes, I swear, I'll jump.I swear I will."

Adam startled and alarmed by the lack of warmth by his side, quickly sat up. His wide eyes ,as wide as his mother's dinner plates, met with her grinning azure.

Adam felt his heart skipped a beat as he stared into the playful blues of hers.

"God, Kaylie. I thought you'd really done it! Great Jove, you gave me a scare. Kaylie I feel like I'm having a heart attack here!" Kaylie observed her friend turn red as a cherry, as he proclaimed this.

"I always knew you were a drama queen at heart Adam. Don't worry, I'm okay with homosexual people.I swear." her retort made him roll his eyes at her and laugh.

"Fine, fine Kaylie, my eyes are yours to dictate."

His friend of two years snickered at this, and quickly scooted herself to him pointing to the stars above them. As she was to busy exclaiming and telling him quotes pin-pointing the exact location of the star she was so overjoyed with founding, Adam took a good look to his dear friend. Her mouth was moving in such a rapid session that it was running against the speed of sound.Nose having a bump after a rough childhood, made sense as her eyes were slanted and hid the fierce blue reciding in her irises.

" Adam? Adam? Are you even paying attention to me?" Kaylie asks a very zoned out Adam.

Woken up from his analyzation of her face, Adam shamefully shakes his head. Sighing Kaylie looks at her dear friend and shakes her head along.

"I know you never have or will beleive in PeterPan but come on..Just look for me? Just see.you'll see I'm right."

"Can you blame me? Come on. We're 16 Kaylie, not 12. We can't just keep beleiving in flying never-growing boys in green tights."

Smiling ever so sadly, Kaylie again shaked her head to Adam's point of reason.

"It's not the character that you pay attention to, it's the symbol he brings Adam. He symbolizes youth and joy."

Hearing a start for another of his friend's preaching sermons on Disney's subtle ways of relaying a messages he could not resist making a face. Kaylie seeing Adam's apparent lack of seriousness on the matter snapped and got to the point.

"Oh great, that's very mature Adam. Very mature. But you have to admit, Peter pan does bring joy. He's so care-free and fun, that he just brings the best out of the audience. You know?"

"So let me get this straight Kaylie, Peter pan brings the best out of a person?"

Nodding and smiling contentedly that Adam was paying her attention, she took the opportunity to show him, what she thought was the star of Neverland.

As she again pointed out to one of the light in the skys, urging him to look, Adam stole a glance at Kaylie, and couldn't help thinking,

"You're my peter pan."


Dedicated to the memory of my Brother, Ahmad Aqeel Bin Ahmad Sanusi, whom god had bestowed the gift of an eternally sin-free youth .30-01-06

To My dear brother:
Fly bro, fly. I'll see you someday.
Till next year. Ciao.



Thunder rumbles as you enter.
and there lightning strikes,
masking a noise of mixture.
Thunder rumbling and lightning striking.
And rain falls.

You stare at the floor,
as you feel hit by hit.
At the back,
you whelp; there again.
You're upright, face down
to the floor. Can't breathe.
can't hear.All you see are
Doubles. A blurry world
all around you.

You breathe again as it stops.
the rain.for a moment, as if
Thinking rain.
Before it breaks, and falls
upon you, ever so stronger.
As if enraged.

Breathe you say,
instructing your body to do so.
Breathe you say,
a mantra to remind yourself.
Breathe you say,
a note to remember.
Breathe you say,
for fear to live.

So there you are.
Laying under the rain,
the thunder roaring in the background,
the lightning striking spots.
and you can't help but think.

"I love the rain."



You're in a car.
Not just a car.
It's a BMW.

It has red walls.
Not just red walls.
Blood red walls.

There's a speaker.
Not just a speaker.
A speaker in the middle seat.

You have a weight on your lap.
You look next to you, a shadow.
You peer front, a voice.

Not just weights.
Not just shadows.
Not just voices.

Not just weights you'd happily carry.
Not just shadows you'd teasingly wait for.
Not just voices you'd patiently listen to.

Weightless weights.
Illuminating shadows.
Listening voices.

You look again.
No, not just someone.
Not just somebody.
Not just anybody.

You grin and let out a laugh.
Not weights,
Not shadows,
Not voices.




why why why why why?

why 'why'?

Must our curiosity pique into such enormous heights that even Mount Everest would seem like a foot note?

Don't look at me ,or the screen like that. Now stop making my look.yea that Look.the one with the raised eyebrow and moving of the ears? yea that one too.No scrunching up your forehead there.Stop.

Shakespeare was wrong THE question is and was NOT "to Be or not to Be."

I have a question.Not THE question but just an old normal question which I randomly sprout here and then.Have you ever been met with two choices and you can't choose?
Really not like all those drama queen questions.Like:-
"does he love me or not?"
Jeez, do I look like I know the question? Go ask him.
"Like Oh My god, what am I gonna wear tomorrow?"
Here's a clue.Starts with a C..ends with an S. in between there's L O T H E..Now put that together.It's CLOTHES.W0w.check your wardrobe.

Such flimsy excuses of stress-starters should be flung out of the window.Literally.Go on.Jump.
*GRIN*Maybe you'll fly.

Sorry, but I'm just typing things out.Nothing personal.so if ANYONE is reading this Don't jump out of the window. Really.I was kidding.Just my sarcasm getting the best of me.

Now back to the issue on board.

How do you choose with a risk so high that you just might die?
and if you don't choose you'd be choosing anyway.

To do or not to do.
That IS the Question.


And I remember.

Today, I was just getting ready for tomorrow when it hit me.

The 4E days are over.
With the starting of tomorrow others would be sitting in our class.
With the breaking of sunlight 4E, our 4E, would be gone.
and be replaced with a new one.

Our seats, Our tables handed over to others so single-handedly, so easily, with no introductions. Tomorrow we'd be giving our class, nay our home, to strangers.

I still remember the 1st day I went to class, there was a puddle near the door. and I sat in between 2 girls.One was being all shy and the other was cleaning her pencil case.

I remember National Day, where we all got slightly sun-burnt.
I remember the day, I called Caroline 'nenek' and she called me 'cucu'
I remember the Shared laughter over our Shared lunch.
I remember monkey-ing around with Jiggy's pencil case.
I remember singing 'Viva la Janice-nis-nis-nis' along With Sherly and the dancing animals.;)
I remember arguing with Pey Yi about Pride and Prejudice.
I remember Mich and me laughing over OUR OWN jokes.
I remember Sherly going hyper, which I was shocked.
I remember Janice's sweet sixteen, where She wore a pink strapless dress.
I remember making our Name Alliteration list with Rai and Sherly.

And I remember.

I remember arguing Ms Ani about the poem 'old familiar faces'
I remember the hint of pride in her voice when she congratulated me on my work.
I remember Cikgu Rashidah letting out a giggle due to our lame jokes.
I remember Sir Raymee bullying me just for the sake of it.
I remember Sir Khairul laughing uproariously over our antics.
I remember Ms Angela giving in to our behaviour and going along with it.
I remember Ms Lau's faint smile at the jokes we were tossing all over the place.
I remember Sir Zainal scaring the wits out of us all with his threats.
I remember him and his Lame sarcastic jokes.
I remember Ms Ling getting our Lame bug.

And I remember.

I remember Muiz who seemed to always smile.
I remember Nabil, our own original Tybalt.
I remember Mozi, the designer of our class (albeit rarely seen)
I remember Nazhrah, the often late PRS.
I remember Michelle, the lotion freak and my partner in yellow.
I remember Dina, the small petite giggler.
I remember Belle, her bubbly attitude and snortty laughter.
I remember Rai , her random-ness and getting high over sweets.
I remember Sherly, the smirk of the 'o lame one' and Funny attitude
I remember Shaz, her funny antics and acting abilities.
I remember Ashraf,his humour and acts of being gay with Zul.
I remember Syahmi, the ever playing Rubix cube man of the class.
I remember Aale, the one who won the drinking contest.
I remember Zul, the funny gay mate of Ashraf who always had a comment.
I remember Jiggy, the photographer of the class and also class monitor.
I remember Pey Yi, the class's perfectionist and her spoilt antics.
I remember Janice, her ability to sleep through any class.
I remember Auzee, and her Auraful presence filling the class.
I remember Siti, gushing over Romance and being all sensible.
I remember Caroline, the 'o great one' making people walk with no legs.
I remember Fifah, her giggle and her way of talking in front of people.
I remember Rezha, our Mini Ms Ling and anak Cikgu Rubiah.

and I remember.

"Exccuuu~~~se me?"
"Lost yourself? buy the self-finder"
"The Great Bimbotic one has spoken"
"To face constipation, we need constant patience"
"haha *snort snort* I wanna be piglet"
"Like Oh My god. you know like Oh my god"
"Bimbo alert,bimbo alert"
"4 elephants"
" the giggly and happy girls"
"hafiz.no wait haziq?"
"thus with a kiss I die~"
"when you look me in the eyes~"
"mama gajah"
"Give me the corntos! or face the wrath of my nose plucker!"
"writing causes skin cancer.."
" Free show~!"

These moments, these people I'll remember.
In between the heart and the head.
I'll remember.


Fell in love.

It all started like an ordinary day, of any other day.
I got up, showered, dressed up, ate, did a few notes, and started surfing the net.
Of course second to writing stories and reading them, I like to see them in motion.
so off I went to you-tube on my surfboard, roaming around the web.
when it hit me.A video, the last video on the related videos list. It said

"The Official Keith Movie Trailer"
and there was a picture of Jesse McCartney.
Don't get me wrong, I didn't do it just because his face was in it, but I was intrigued.
So I checked it out.

Okay at the starting of this I was like.."Boring~.."
but then the few lines said near the end..around 1.20 to 1.25 I was shocked and impressed.
Nice twist.
around "1.40 - 1.46" my curiousity was piqued into a very high level of SAPPINESS and of course sarcasm.
Curiosity killed me I guess, and as I moved the arrow to the link, I unknowingly sealed my fate.
I spent around hours watching the movie; all of it .
And I died.
through out the dialogue, and the acting, the passion, the raw emotion.
I DIED. and got re incarnated just to be awed again.
and I fell in love with it.

The script was understandable, realistic.
The plot was see-through I had thought at first, but had twists. making me question and re-evaluate.
The acting was okay, the..

Wait,what am I saying?
The acting was okay?

No It was Good.real good. I haven't been blown away as much for a movie before.
Not even twilight.Which slightly disappointed me by the way.
No this movie..is a must see.Trust me (if you can). watch these videos. these are a few of my favourites.

and if you want the movie check you-tube out and type in "keith movie part 1"
or..type this out. http://www.megavideo.com/?v=DS497211


  It’s like a hitch, when your breath gets caught in between the spaces of your ribs, as it swings up and down. Air trapped between the whit...