
If a picture speaks a thosand words...

So these should tell you a LOT.

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, where princesses and dragons went to bingo with eachother while princes would tap dance away with talking horses... there... was...

A boy with big great headphones who was determined to pave a new definition of tone-deaf singing. So, he went and barged into a room while singing a bieber lyriced song; thus diturbing the peace of the room.

Enraged by the abusive repetitive lyrics of 'baby, baby, baby, oooh baby', a small tiny boy rose up to the challenge;

the challenge to shut the big giant up. The lil' boy took a lethal weapon, an orange tipped object and pulled down a mask to shield his bleeding ears from the sharp sound coming from the throat of the ogre.

The masked crusade quickly runs to the towering fiend and sprouts words of an unheard language but it's intent was made clear:

'shut up, or I'll stuff this up your rectum'

or something like that.


the towering ogre was too strong for the tiny soldier in an oversized helmet, instead, the small boy was pushed aside onto the awaiting arms, of a mop headed bespectacled girl,

There in her arms, the warrior found a way to rejuvenate himself, the young brave warrior decided to...

Pick his nose.

Disturbed by the provoking excavation of the warrior's mucus site, the civilian shakes her head and pushes the 'warrior' into the ogre's path. Where the ogre lifts the tiny fighter and dunks him into a basket;

and then hoists the basket and the body within, loftily above the ground. Both the captured and capturer shares a hearty laugh.

and they proceeded to 'battle' it out.

After setting the lil' warrior back to the ground, the giant and warrior went into a dangerous gut wrenching wrestling match. It was all laughter and smirks...

until some one was kicked in the crotch. *coughHazeeqcough*

there everything went:



The wait

`It's 4.30

Drip. Drip. Your sweat plastered onto your back.

You're sitting there under the scorching sun, waiting.

Waiting for that accursed bus to appear at the bend.

Tick.Tock. the clock's ticking away on your wrist.

It's 4.32 now,

shouldn't the bus be here by now?

Your mouth turns dry, as you brain begins

to race.
What if the bus had broken down?
What if the bus was still in a traffic jam due to somesort of traffic collison?
Oh My God.
What if the bus had been in THE traffic collison?

Your heart paces faster, and worry etches itself onto your forehead.

It's 4.36

GOD! The woman said the bus would be by 4.30!
She said, 4.30

What is she playing at? Where is she? Who does she think she is?

You feel an irrational anger boil under the heat.

Where is she? Where is that woman?

You are never allowing this ever again. NEVER again.


there it is!
The bus, it's FINALLY rounding the corner.

You see little heads near the window, as the bus crawls to you.

You search for that familiar face among the squashed features promptly pressed to the window.

You squint for the features imprinted to your brain in between waving arms.

You can't see it. You can't see him.

You frown at the thought of his younger form squashed between the much more older bodies in the bus.

Oh god, what if he's not on the bus?
what if he got left behind?
what if...

and you stop. as you see a small figure sitting quietly in the bus.

Head down, shoulder slumped and a contemplative twist of the head; the relief you feel is tinged with the sadness that will never leave.

The head turns, and you see the ears rise from its droopy state as a limb stretch out and remove each digit and press itself to the frosty glass.

A smile.
A wave.

You happily reciprocate.

You watch as the figure bombards itself from the bus at the earliest chance.
You grin as it canons itself under outstretched arms of others, and jump into your awaiting arms.
You laugh as he hugs you and starts gabbing in a language you must've once known, but had forgotten.

'How was your class trip?'

The child smiles.

'Was it fun?'

The child nods.

"You wanna go again?"

He smiles and nods.

You sigh, and laugh at yourself. You know you'll feel torn, worried and insane about this again.

but you couldn't say no to that lil' boy;

your exception.


Movie Review : Clash Of The Titans

Today I watched:

Overall, I must say... I was satisfied.

Though, many have said it was a 'rip-off' of Percy Jackson, Percius should be Hercules and the titans should be from the elements, I'll point out some minor details to you, right now.

One. Zeus had A LOT of children, and he didn't practice our 'one to one' monogomous function that we practice 'all the time'. geddit?

Two. I'd actually say Percy Jackson is the one ripping off Clash of the Titans cause this is just a REMAKE of an old movie made in the 1980's. GOT IT?

Three. The titans were not of elemental power. Titans do not represent 'big' 'scary' 'monsters'. TITANS ARE actually the ELDER GODS in Greek mythology, i.e. Zeus, Hades, Poseidon... yadda yadda yadda.

Anyways, critics aside... True the graphics were below of expected but hey, I think this movie is an overall above-average interesting film, that should not be over-shadowed by close-minded people who has watched too much of Disney movies *coughHerculescough* and do NOT know what they're talking about at all.

I say it's a good joy for all those Greek Mythology admirers out there! Especially those who always wandered how Medusa's lair would look like and also... the Kraken is AWESOME.

P.S. I know the Kraken isn't actually derived from Greek Mythology but.. puh-lease... it was sooo fun to watch it tear up the city. HAHA! :)

STARS: 4 Stars.


  It’s like a hitch, when your breath gets caught in between the spaces of your ribs, as it swings up and down. Air trapped between the whit...