
Marching for the beat of 5

The march starts before it’s time,
Marked not with the dinging of an alarm,
or the ticking of the clock’s arm.

No, instead it’s with the muffled patter of feet,
A stealthy scrimmage across your peripheral vision;
the first sign.

crossing past the lobby-
exit, load, unload, enter-
quick and swift, past glass doors, glass walls;
the second sign.

Shadows now march, emerging from transparent caves
Quietly queue-ing, passing through, without a sound,
The Third Sign

One, Two, 
Three, Four, Five

March for the beat of 5.


The Internship

It's been a hectic few weeks,
and the days are beginning to blend,
becoming a slow unnerving pulse of routine.

After months of waiting and hunting for an internship, finally obtaining one felt like a miracle, really a reprieve from the dullness of doing nothing. However, after months of simply 'being', and suddenly thrown into a glass walled building, and given mountain of work?

Yeah. It took me a while. The first few days, I felt myself sapped of energy. I hated the glass walls, I hated the punch card, and other than that, I also hated the work. I hated everything about it.

but then, routine settled, and I started to find my footing. Slowly got leverage, and balanced.

I still hated the glass walls,
but I began to like my work.
I still hated the punch card,
but I began to find myself adjust to time.
I still hated the environment,
but I felt myself begin to understand why it was the way it was.

Simply put? Working in a private company had an equation. Money = Time.

The more time you spent working, meant more money coming in. The more work you get done in an alloted time, meant more money. So, if you did a lot of work in a lot of time, that would equate to a lot of money.

Or in this case, do as much as possible in 8 hrs a day, 6 days a week, and you get much more money than before.

Comparing this experience with my past internship experience with the government?

Well, that would be a whole winded post, that I'll divulge, next time.
For now, I have to type in a logbook, and post it on another website. Sorry dear blog of mine, I have another.

but my heart and mind belongs to this one.

The One Who Hates Changes; Qeel.


  It’s like a hitch, when your breath gets caught in between the spaces of your ribs, as it swings up and down. Air trapped between the whit...