
Movie Review : Clash Of The Titans

Today I watched:

Overall, I must say... I was satisfied.

Though, many have said it was a 'rip-off' of Percy Jackson, Percius should be Hercules and the titans should be from the elements, I'll point out some minor details to you, right now.

One. Zeus had A LOT of children, and he didn't practice our 'one to one' monogomous function that we practice 'all the time'. geddit?

Two. I'd actually say Percy Jackson is the one ripping off Clash of the Titans cause this is just a REMAKE of an old movie made in the 1980's. GOT IT?

Three. The titans were not of elemental power. Titans do not represent 'big' 'scary' 'monsters'. TITANS ARE actually the ELDER GODS in Greek mythology, i.e. Zeus, Hades, Poseidon... yadda yadda yadda.

Anyways, critics aside... True the graphics were below of expected but hey, I think this movie is an overall above-average interesting film, that should not be over-shadowed by close-minded people who has watched too much of Disney movies *coughHerculescough* and do NOT know what they're talking about at all.

I say it's a good joy for all those Greek Mythology admirers out there! Especially those who always wandered how Medusa's lair would look like and also... the Kraken is AWESOME.

P.S. I know the Kraken isn't actually derived from Greek Mythology but.. puh-lease... it was sooo fun to watch it tear up the city. HAHA! :)

STARS: 4 Stars.

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